错误原因:SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{row.cid_s}} and a.value1 LIKE '%10035%' and a.value2 LIKE '%10049%' and a.value' at line 1出现异常:
SELECT a.*, cs.name as csname, /**类型名称**/ mt.sign, /**货币符号**/ it.name as iname, /**积分名称**/ it.ico as iico, /**积分图标**/ s.name as sname, /**店铺名称**/ ws.count as wscount, /**收藏量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_cart ct WHERE ct.sid=a.id) as ctcount, /**全站购物车量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_order od WHERE od.pid=a.id) as odcount /**商品订单数量**/ FROM cp_shop_content AS a LEFT JOIN cp_money_type AS mt ON a.money=mt.alias /**资金类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_integral_type AS it ON a.integral=it.id /**积分类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_sys_wishlist AS ws ON a.id=ws.sid and ws.type='item' /**商品收藏**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_class AS cs ON a.cid_s=cs.id /**商品类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_store AS s ON a.sid=s.id /**店铺信息**/ WHERE a.cid_t=4 and a.cid_s={{row.cid_s}} and a.value1 LIKE '%10035%' and a.value2 LIKE '%10049%' and a.value3 LIKE '%10062%' and a.status=1 and 1array(8) { [0]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/cmspro/models/mysql.system.php" ["line"]=> int(535) ["function"]=> string(7) "execute" ["class"]=> string(12) "PDOStatement" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> NULL } } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(59) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/cmspro/models/template.system.php" ["line"]=> int(1425) ["function"]=> string(7) "execute" ["class"]=> string(5) "Mysql" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1004) "SELECT a.*, cs.name as csname, /**类型名称**/ mt.sign, /**货币符号**/ it.name as iname, /**积分名称**/ it.ico as iico, /**积分图标**/ s.name as sname, /**店铺名称**/ ws.count as wscount, /**收藏量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_cart ct WHERE ct.sid=a.id) as ctcount, /**全站购物车量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_order od WHERE od.pid=a.id) as odcount /**商品订单数量**/ FROM cp_shop_content AS a LEFT JOIN cp_money_type AS mt ON a.money=mt.alias /**资金类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_integral_type AS it ON a.integral=it.id /**积分类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_sys_wishlist AS ws ON a.id=ws.sid and ws.type='item' /**商品收藏**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_class AS cs ON a.cid_s=cs.id /**商品类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_store AS s ON a.sid=s.id /**店铺信息**/ WHERE a.cid_t=4 and a.cid_s={{row.cid_s}} and a.value1 LIKE '%10035%' and a.value2 LIKE '%10049%' and a.value3 LIKE '%10062%' and a.status=1 and 1" } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(59) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/cmspro/models/template.system.php" ["line"]=> int(748) ["function"]=> string(7) "data_db" ["class"]=> string(1) "T" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(12) { ["action"]=> string(4) "item" ["panel"]=> NULL ["class"]=> NULL ["get"]=> NULL ["post"]=> NULL ["url"]=> NULL ["from"]=> NULL ["where"]=> NULL ["field"]=> NULL ["rows"]=> string(2) "16" ["query"]=> string(998) "SELECT a.*, cs.name as csname, /**类型名称**/ mt.sign, /**货币符号**/ it.name as iname, /**积分名称**/ it.ico as iico, /**积分图标**/ s.name as sname, /**店铺名称**/ ws.count as wscount, /**收藏量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_cart ct WHERE ct.sid=a.id) as ctcount, /**全站购物车量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_order od WHERE od.pid=a.id) as odcount /**商品订单数量**/ FROM cp_shop_content AS a LEFT JOIN cp_money_type AS mt ON a.money=mt.alias /**资金类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_integral_type AS it ON a.integral=it.id /**积分类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_sys_wishlist AS ws ON a.id=ws.sid and ws.type='item' /**商品收藏**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_class AS cs ON a.cid_s=cs.id /**商品类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_store AS s ON a.sid=s.id /**店铺信息**/ WHERE a.cid_t=4 and a.cid_s={{row.cid_s}} and a.value1 LIKE '%10035%' and a.value2 LIKE '%10049%' and a.value3 LIKE '%10062%' and a.status=1" ["order"]=> NULL } [1]=> string(6276) "{cmspro.list}
{cmspro.list}{action='item'}{query='SELECT a.*, cs.name as csname, /**类型名称**/ mt.sign, /**货币符号**/ it.name as iname, /**积分名称**/ it.ico as iico, /**积分图标**/ s.name as sname, /**店铺名称**/ ws.count as wscount, /**收藏量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_cart ct WHERE ct.sid=a.id) as ctcount, /**全站购物车量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_order od WHERE od.pid=a.id) as odcount /**商品订单数量**/ FROM cp_shop_content AS a LEFT JOIN cp_money_type AS mt ON a.money=mt.alias /**资金类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_integral_type AS it ON a.integral=it.id /**积分类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_sys_wishlist AS ws ON a.id=ws.sid and ws.type='item' /**商品收藏**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_class AS cs ON a.cid_s=cs.id /**商品类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_store AS s ON a.sid=s.id /**店铺信息**/ WHERE a.cid_t=4 and a.cid_s={{row.cid_s}} and a.value1 LIKE '%10035%' and a.value2 LIKE '%10049%' and a.value3 LIKE '%10062%' and a.status=1'}{rows='16'}{list}


{{rows.pv}} ℃ {{rows.price}}

{pages.end} {list.end}" } } [3]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(59) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/cmspro/models/template.system.php" ["line"]=> int(367) ["function"]=> string(10) "match_list" ["class"]=> string(1) "T" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(52446) " 黑色母婴用品 响应式 成品网站市场 易搭建SaaS云建站平台
{cmspro.list}{action='item'}{query='SELECT a.*, cs.name as csname, /**类型名称**/ mt.sign, /**货币符号**/ it.name as iname, /**积分名称**/ it.ico as iico, /**积分图标**/ s.name as sname, /**店铺名称**/ ws.count as wscount, /**收藏量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_cart ct WHERE ct.sid=a.id) as ctcount, /**全站购物车量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_order od WHERE od.pid=a.id) as odcount /**商品订单数量**/ FROM cp_shop_content AS a LEFT JOIN cp_money_type AS mt ON a.money=mt.alias /**资金类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_integral_type AS it ON a.integral=it.id /**积分类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_sys_wishlist AS ws ON a.id=ws.sid and ws.type='item' /**商品收藏**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_class AS cs ON a.cid_s=cs.id /**商品类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_store AS s ON a.sid=s.id /**店铺信息**/ WHERE a.cid_t=4 and a.cid_s={{row.cid_s}} and a.value1 LIKE '%10035%' and a.value2 LIKE '%10049%' and a.value3 LIKE '%10062%' and a.status=1'}{rows='16'}{list}


{{rows.pv}} ℃ {{rows.price}}

{pages.end} {list.end}

支持键盘 ← → 键翻阅图片

" } } [4]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(57) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/app/index/controllers/cloud.php" ["line"]=> int(106) ["function"]=> string(5) "match" ["class"]=> string(1) "T" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(37640) " 黑色母婴用品 响应式 成品网站市场 易搭建SaaS云建站平台
{cmspro.list}{action='where'}{class='current'}{get='value1,id'}{from='shop_config'}{where='tid=10001'}{rows='50'}{order='sort asc'}
{cmspro.list}{action='where'}{class='on'}{get='value2,id'}{from='shop_config'}{where='tid=10002'}{order='sort asc'}
{cmspro.list}{action='where'}{class='current'}{get='cid_s,id'}{from='shop_class'}{where='tid=4'}{order='sort asc'}
{cmspro.list}{action='where'}{class='current'}{get='value3,id'}{from='shop_config'}{where='tid=10003'}{order='sort asc'}
热门标签 {cmspro.list}{action='where'}{class='current'}{get='value4,id'}{from='shop_config'}{where='tid=10064'}{order='sort asc'} {list} #{{rows.name}} {/list}{list.end}
{cmspro.list}{action='item'}{query='SELECT a.*, cs.name as csname, /**类型名称**/ mt.sign, /**货币符号**/ it.name as iname, /**积分名称**/ it.ico as iico, /**积分图标**/ s.name as sname, /**店铺名称**/ ws.count as wscount, /**收藏量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_cart ct WHERE ct.sid=a.id) as ctcount, /**全站购物车量**/ (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM cp_shop_order od WHERE od.pid=a.id) as odcount /**商品订单数量**/ FROM cp_shop_content AS a LEFT JOIN cp_money_type AS mt ON a.money=mt.alias /**资金类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_integral_type AS it ON a.integral=it.id /**积分类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_sys_wishlist AS ws ON a.id=ws.sid and ws.type='item' /**商品收藏**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_class AS cs ON a.cid_s=cs.id /**商品类型**/ LEFT JOIN cp_shop_store AS s ON a.sid=s.id /**店铺信息**/ WHERE a.cid_t=4 and a.cid_s={{row.cid_s}} and a.value1 LIKE '%10035%' and a.value2 LIKE '%10049%' and a.value3 LIKE '%10062%' and a.status=1'}{rows='16'}{list}


{{rows.pv}} ℃ {{rows.price}}

{pages.end} {list.end}

支持键盘 ← → 键翻阅图片

" } } [5]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(40) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/app/common.php" ["line"]=> int(114) ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(57) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/app/index/controllers/cloud.php" } ["function"]=> string(7) "require" } [6]=> array(4) { ["file"]=> string(42) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/cmspro/start.php" ["line"]=> int(128) ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(40) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/app/common.php" } ["function"]=> string(12) "require_once" } [7]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(35) "/www/wwwroot/yidajian.net/index.php" ["line"]=> int(56) ["function"]=> string(4) "init" ["class"]=> string(6) "cmspro" ["type"]=> string(2) "::" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } }